Digital Photo 1

Digital Photography 1 (2-4 sessions) (en français)

Seine River and Palais Royal

Atelier Atlantis is offering a series of classes (2-4 depending on number of students) to cover all the basics of digital photography with beginning and intermediate students of photography (no previous experience necessary). Guided by a prize winning professional photographer who has been working with digital cameras since the late 1990s and a wide range of image editing software since the early 1990s, the classes are designed to help students become comfortable with the countless options and buttons today’s modern digital cameras offer. During the four classes, in addition to these different camera functions, we’ll talk about how to use settings and controls which can unlock surprisingly beautiful images through changes in exposure, focus and timing. Along the way we’ll address various aesthetic questions that can help students make even stronger photos.

For these classes, we’ll meet in different parts of Paris so that each week we’ll have a chance to photograph new subjects and perhaps discover neighbourhoods which are less familiar to students. Class size is limited to four students but we will run the class with at least two students and sometimes even as a private class. Usually we will begin or end the class in a nearby café so we can quietly discuss our topics or look at the student’s work from the day to offer suggestions and feedback.

Session 1: The Basics

Topics covered: how the digital camera works, iso settings, white balance, camera light meter function, jpeg vs. raw file format, working in program mode,  and more.

Session 2: Focus

Topics covered: depth of field, how to control in focus areas in a photo, aperture priority mode, hyper focal distance, lens types and their advantages and disadvantages, extreme close ups, distant landscape shots, hiding distracting backgrounds and much more.

Session 3: Movement

Topics covered: shutter speed priority, panning, pull zoom, light painting, long and short exposures and how they change the appearance of subjects, juxtaposition of blurred and sharply focused subjects and more.

Session 4: Evaluating Light

Topics covered: choosing between camera light meter modes, autofocus modes for sports or still subjects, evaluating a histogram and more.

What to Bring:

When: Check out our upcoming classes. Typically a new series of classes group begins each month. If the date/time we have scheduled isn’t convenient with your scheduled, don’t hesitate to contact us. We may be able to schedule another workshop time!

Click here to see our upcoming classes.

Cost: 295€ for the two to four sessions (which will usually meet over the course of two to four consecutive weeks). We ask for at least a 75€ downpayment via Paypal to reserve your place. The remainder can be paid during the first class.

Sign me up for Digital Photo 1 Workshop !