Lightroom 1 Workshop

Intro to Adobe Lightroom (2 sessions)

Louvre and Jardin des Plantes

This course is for students wishing to start fine tuning and improving the quality of their photographs while also being able to better organize the large quantity of digital images most photographers now find themselves confronted with. This first workshop, comprising two sessions will provide students with the foundations necessary to begin profitting from the many powerful capabilities of Adobe Lightroom. We’ll cover the basics of image management: importing, applying keywords that will help us sort through images more easily later and then exporting and printing images at different sizes and resolutions. Likewise, we’ll look at the many powerful image correction tools available in Lightroom that allow photographs to enhance the quality of their images by improving the exposure, contrast, color balance and much more. Students’ will complete the first set of workshops with a solid foundation and understanding of which tools and techniques to use to begin improving the quality of their images.

Lightroom 1 Topics

Lightroom Introduction

Importing Photos into Lightroom

Develop/Improve Your Photos with Lightroom

Correcting Classic Problems

Synchronizing changes to multiple images at one time

Exporting Images

Printing (basics)

At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

Cost: 295 € for one or two private sessions totalling 5 hours (to take place in the residence of the student or elsewhere by agreement).

I’d Like to Set up a Lightroom 1 Class!