Photoshop 1 Class
Beginning Adobe Photoshop
Our Photoshop 1 class is designed to introduce students to the basic foundations for using Photoshop to transform and improve your digital images to be the best they can be. We will help students become familiar with the various tools and options of Photoshop to help students understand how best to correct a range of different problems regularly encountered in digital photography (color balance, contrast, sharpness, etc.). To do this we’ll use the various tools, layers, layer modes, layer styles, layer masks, adjustment layers and more to show the many different options available to improve photographs in using Photoshop. This will help students better understand how to improve their images in the most efficient and effective way. For students who don’t yet own a copy of Adobe Photoshop, a free trial version can be downloaded from the Adobe site, giving students a chance to experiment with the software before deciding whether or not to make the investment.
Photoshop 1 Topics
Presentation of the Photoshop Structure & Layout
- Overall interface
- The work space
- Tools and Palettes
- Layers
- Layer Modes
- Adjustment Layers
Photoshop File Formats & Resolution
- Distinctions between JPEG, TIFF, RAW and DNG formats
- Physical dimensions of image (canvas size)
- Image Resolution (image size)
Color Modes in Photoshop
- Bitmap
- Grayscale
Photoshop Layers
- How they work
- Create a new layer
- Copy layers
- Add new image layers
- Show/hide layers
- Move layers in palette
- Move layer contents
- Change layer opacity
- Rename layers
- Link & move layers together
- Delete layers
Layer Masks
- Show correction without layer masks
- Principal of non-destructive editing with layer masks
- Add a layer mask
- Create/adjust layer mask
- Show/hide layer mask
- Apply an layer mask to image
- Delete layer mask
Using Layer Filters
- Applying layer filters
- Correcting overexpsoure with layer filters
- Correcting overexpsoure with layer filters
Selections in Photoshop
- Understanding selections
- Creating selections (using the different selection tools)
- Add to and subtract from existing selections
- Changing selections via “selection” menu options
- Inversing selections
- Saving selections
- Applying saved selections
- Copying selections onto another layer
Correcting Common Digital Photo Problems
- Cropping
- Straightening
- Color Correction
- Get rid of digital noise
- Correct Red Eye
- Hide defects in photos
- Sharpen photos
- Clean up skin imperfections
- Create an artistic blurriness
- Correct exposure in light and dark areas separately
Text in Photoshop
- Text changes with Charcter and Paragraph Palette
- Text effects
Preparing to Print from Photoshop
- Accentuating your images
- Choosing ICC profiles
After this workshop, students will be able to
- Evaluate image problems and use tools and functions to correct them
- Put into practice the techniques learned for your own work flow
- Add text to your images
- Create photo montages with multiple images
- Correct and improve the color, tonality and sharpness of your images
- Apply some basic special effects
- Correctly print an image
Cost: 295 € for one or two private sessions totalling 5 hours (to take place in the residence of the student or elsewhere by agreement).