Internet Resources
Paris Information Sites
Paris-Expat website devoted to the foreign community in Paris website discussing the newest and latest events in Paris--with a strong focus on art and other cultural events.
Secrets of Paris Blog Heather Stimmler-Hall has been digging out hidden secrets in Paris for more than ten years now.
FUSAC For all your classified ad needs in Paris.
American Chamber of Commerce in Paris The chamber of commerce we're used to but with the business information to help bridge the gap between the U.S. and French systems.
Bonjour Paris Latest news concerning Paris events in English.
Paris-Anglo More cultural reviews of events in Paris.
France Today English language online magazine concerning events in France.
Vingt Paris Magazine Cultural reviews of events in Paris.
Art Info Aujourd'hui French language reviews of Parisian cultural events. French reviews of cultural events--primary focus on contemporary art.
The Connexion English language online newspaper covering French news. French language classified ads.
Association France USA French language site discussing bureacratic concerns mostly in the U.S.
GoGoParis English language cultural reviews of events in Paris and France. French language cultural review site focusing on photographic events in France.
Colleen's Paris Colleen Shaughnessy-Larsson's Blog of Parisian events.
American Library in Paris Private library in the 7th arrondissement at 10, rue du Générale Camou.
The American Women’s Group in Paris Cultural programs for English speaking women in Paris
Council for the English Speaking Community Organization for the exchange of news and information between more than eighty English-speaking service groups and associations in the Paris region.
Ile-de-France Hikes Wednesday hikes in the Paris region.
Mairie de Paris Listing of Paris events by Paris Town Hall site.
Guide-Artistique Search engine for art sites.
Paris-Art Contemporary art reviews.
Envie d'Art Art Gallery with three sites in Paris (including 29 Boulevard Raspail, 7eme arrond)
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